Friday 31 January 2014

Bible Talk: Choices

      So we all make choices right? Every single day, it's crazy how many we make. Even more so when in high school. We chose our friends, the people we hate and the people who we love. These choices are placed in front of us for test and how we react.
      My moms favourite Bible story during the past 5 years has been Job. Job was put through so many trials and always chose to put his faith in God which is something that we should I look at as an inspiration.  It's so strange that he had EVERYTHING taken away from him and then some, and still put himself fully in Gods hands. It was his choice he made to please God. It showed God and the people around him that he only stood for God and nothing else.
    So I hope that inspires you to make choices that God would see fit.
          God bless :)

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