Thursday 21 August 2014


I didn't have very much time off yesterday to post a blog and take a good selfie so I am very sorry for that, but today I have 2 selfies (all from today) and a post for you all! (YAY ME!!) So last night was my night off, so I took it in full and watched GossipGirl with my friend Maddie, while pin curling my hair after taking a very long shower. My pin curls turned out to look like Mr Kate, and I love the style! (I can see why she loves her hair!)
I love Gossip Girl, it makes me feel so happy looking at the amazing fashion,makeup and of course NEW YORK!! It always puts me in a good mood even when i can't do makeup!
    On to that, my no makeup week is going good, camp with no makeup can sometimes be better because I never have to worry about my makeup getting messed up. I don't feel terrible but not as good as I normally do, just in a neutral zone for now. I go home saturday and believe me when I say that Sunday I will (hopefully) have some awesome selfies of my great makeup job ;)

Have a great day everyone! God bless!!

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