Sunday 19 October 2014


Hey Everyone! So I hope you all are doing well! Bad news for today though, there will not be a new youtube video due to the fact that I was not home this past weekend and had a lot of work to do, so this blog update will just have to do for today but not worries next week everything will be back to normal! :) 

So today I want to tell you about a few life updates and also share with you all my September/October favourites. 

 To get started, as some of you may know once I was finished camp I started university and yes it was great socially and I made loads of friends, I found myself unhappy in the life path I was taking, even more so after that summer away at camp. So I decided to make a life switch and go into something that would make me very happy, so now I’m going to become a hair stylist. I’ve been at it for about 4 weeks now and not going to lie I love it. It’s a lot more fun and enjoyable and I find the days going fast, and I am learning so much I didn't know before. The textbook has loads in it about makeup so on top of me learning about hair from the school, I also do my own readings on makeup so who knows maybe I’ll get my makeup degree next. 

Now on to my September/October Favourites!!! 

1) ITS FALL!!! Thats a huge favourite with all the colours and smells and HALLOWEEN who doesn’t love it?!!? (plus NO SNOW!!! :D) 

2)MAC Sin! Golly is this a pretty colour! Total love, it’s a dark burgundy that looks amazing against my pale skin and I find it makes my brown hair and eyes POP! 

3)Over the Knee socks! They are a huge thing I have been loving! They are so cute and when it’s not too cold out and adds a little but more cuteness to it. 

4)Cat Hat! Yes I have a hat with some cat ears, its just white and plain but really gives it a cute factor that looks amazing plus it’s super warm! 

5)MAC Sable eye shadow! Okay so how did I live with this before!? It’s now my favourite eye shadow and looks great in the crease, on the lid or even just on it’s own. If you want to get an eve shadow from MAC sable is the one you need!! :) 

So thats all I have for you today, I hope you all have an amazing day and I will see/talk to you next week in my upcoming video :) God bless!!! 

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