Thursday 26 December 2013

Bible Talk! things I've learned.

So I know I promised a makeup post but the photos are taking longer to take then I excepted to I've opted to switch it around and post a Bible talk instead. :)
      So at one point in my life I was a jr.high leader and I found the kids who were not forced by their parents to go were more willing to accept God, rather than decline Him. So this taught me a few things, and I would love to share them with you.
1) You need to make your faith your own, and also chose it on your own. Go to what you are called to. Where as I myself felt a call toward Christianity and the message there you might not.
2) It is okay to experiment with different things. I went through 3 yes 3 different religions before seeing that I was drawn and called to Christianity and the message of Jesus Christ.
3) Do not push it on other people. Yes we are meant to be lights, but lights shouldn't shine so bright into peoples faces that the person becomes blind. Just show a light strong enough for them to see that Jesus is a good thing and can bring comfort in dark times.
and lastly everyone is different and will go and find God at their own pace. We can not push, pull, or even drag them at a faster pace. Allow people to move and grow on their own while giving them support.

      I hope you enjoyed this post and maybe learned a little something new. Leave me a comment if you want too :) God bless!

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