Sunday 13 April 2014

Shoppers Spend your points day Haul :)

Hello everyone, so this past Saturday (yesterday) was spend your points day at shoppers drug mart. My mom and I love shoppers, and spend our points on this day as it happens 2-3 times a year. We do it around this week, and Christmas time and get a good amount of product. This time we opted to spend it on high end products rather then drug store products and are very happy with this choice. We got 60$ worth of points and we also got an extra 10$ to spend as a bonus so (70$ as a whole), so my mom got a new foundation and primer and I got a bronzer. We were very happy with our choices and I decided to do this small post on it for all of you! :)

So all the three products were from Bourjois. 
My mom got the Healthy Serum foundation and Happy Light primer to give her skin a treat and so far she really loves it. Keeps her looking dewy and healthy all day. ( I'll do an update post about it in a couple of weeks) 

I got the Bronzer in the lightest shade, I really enjoy it so far. I got it because of Tanya Burr raving about it and thought I would give it a good. Even with my skin tone being super pale (MUFE 110 Pale) I find it a nice pick me up for my skin. It is not an off colour on my skin and is very easily blended out, so if you have a very light-medium skin tone I would recommend this for you. :) 

I hope you all enjoyed this quick little post, have an amazing day! God Bless :) 

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