Thursday 24 January 2013

Im Starting a YouTube channel?!?

Hey Everyone, so tomorrow may or may not be the start of my new YouTube channel under the same name of this blog poshpoor. I would love if you would all leave me comment on what stuff to do, this channel will be beauty and fashion related with some helpful tricks and tips and this channel will also be focused on how girls can find there inner beauty in God. Also if you would like I can tie in some history too, but that may be only me that thinks that would be fun. Tomorrow if I can get the right lighting and film a video where I look goodish, I will edit and upload it and post it here on my blog with the link to my channel. I hope you all can support me in this and I hope I can help a few of you. I have a little goal for this channel, and its not a very big one but I would love by the June 2013 to get 100 subscribers and would love for you all to be a part of it. Thank you and hope you enjoy the videos and also I will stay posting on my blog :) 

Sunday 6 January 2013

Everyday Makeup

So I decided to begin to post photos on this blog, maybe not of me but of different items and things so today I decided to show you my (Almost) everyday makeup routine. Also I want to know what you guys do for yours, maybe not your makeup but your go to fashion item or go to lip gloss really anything that you like to use or have on an everyday basis. 
 Products From left to right: Revlon pink pop, lip balm (changes depending on what I have never picky), NARS Roman Holiday (best for my fair skin and super pretty), Benefit They're real mascara, NAKED 2 pallet (urban decay), Makeup Forever HD foundation in 110 ( great for really pale girls with pink undertones), Anastasia Brow Wiz in brunette, a white and black eye liner (never too picky on what I use) MAC blush in "well dressed", UDPP (urban decay primer potion. 
This doesn't change too often, I don't add much but the lip products and colours do change a lot and  usually I take out one or to of the steps if I'm too lazy or want less makeup. :) leave a comment and tell me what you use I would love to hear about it :) 

Tuesday 1 January 2013

My 2013 Words...

Today was the first day of 2013 in which I chose my words to try to embrace, this year I went with the words.... CONFIDENCE and FEARLESS!
I chose these words because these are what every teenage girl needs along with a lot of respect for their body and mind. We tend to not be confident or fearless when we feel either unwanted or when people look down on us. The question is why do we let those people do that to us? This year we as girls are going to work what we got, now this doesn't mean were going to show too much skin or "get around" with tons of boys.  We are going to use of minds, our beautifully created faces and our knowledge about ourselves to portray what we want to! "We are creation of God, we are beautiful, powerful and we will be confident and fearless in out everyday lives!" 

Chose your words or verse wisely because you'll have to live with them for an entire year :)