Sunday 27 July 2014

My July camp Makeup favourites :D

Hey everyone, look 2 in one week thats crazy for me! Well to be honest i just had time to take some photos today and had an urge to write a makeup post! So like I've said a few times, makeup at camp can change a few things and can make it way better for you in the long run. So before I put up my everyday camp makeup selfies (still needing to take a good one) to show you a makeup look I've opted to show you the products, so lets get into it!
Okay so here are my favourites, yes it is a far bit but it changes on a day to day bases so this is just what it is when I want to feel a lot more put together. 
1) MAC eyebrow water proof gel in the darkest colour! It stays up even in the lake and makes everything way better!
2) The balm highlight! OMG this is something I use on my eyes, face and sometimes on my lips and it has made me feel so happy and awesome at camp! 
3) Pink Blush, the one I have is from the faceshop and and is it great! super light and natural 
4) Bronzer, and yes I only have one so the Bourjois one is awesome! It's light and natural looking plus it works really great over the BB cream! 
4) Water proof BB cream and Mascara, now these two things are a life saver and will hold up being thrown in the pond! Which has happened to me, (the MAC eyebrow gel also didn't budge though that experience either) it was scary and I will hopefully never do it again but who knows right? No joke though these products stay put till you take them off at 10pm, so they have about a 16 hour wear! 
5) Lash curler can make a huge difference, it makes you look more awake, (when well you get very little sleep) and if its cold can even wake you up a bit in the morning! 
6) Lastly eye liners, I have a dark brown and a bright rose gold, both water proof and both very pretty and makes your eyes look bigger and more open. 

So thats it for this post, tbh I love blogging so I may need to do it more on my time off. Have an amazing day everyone! God bless :)  

Friday 25 July 2014

Beauty Tips for Camp!

So I'm going to lie and say my self confidence has gone up at camp, when really it went wayyyyy down hill in the first two weeks. I went into a whole thing where I didn't like how I looked or went about myself at camp. The truth is I had to find ways to put myself back into a good place while still being able to focus on God and the kids I am working with on a daily bases. So I played around a lot and found a few things that made a huge difference in the way I carry myself and treat myself at camp.

1) Take care of your skin, yes it can be hard to give your face a good wash, but it can make a huge difference. It can be a 5 minute pampering time while your kids are brushing their teeth, hair or even showering and believe me those 5-7 minutes are HUGE after a whole day of running games, dealing with arguments and well everything else. 

2) Do your hair the way you like it, there are ways to do tons of hair styles without heat. I love my hair curly so I have like 5 no heat hair styles I can do while I'm at camp after swimming or showering, cause lets be real, you do not have time to shower everyday. For straight hair find an awesome serum and it works really great! 

3) Makeup can be good at camp, even more so if everything you have is waterproof and has a huge SPF. It can make you feel more confident and also protect your skin! Certain pieces of makeup can also make such a big difference such as bronzer, highlighter and eyebrows. Filling in my eye brows everyday makes me feel put together, happy and more willing to do things cause y face is framed and my face looks normal. 

4) Lastly take time for you, so things you love! Write, watch YouTube, focus on YOU, on your time off... It seem selfish but its very much needed! Camp drains you so just put some time into yourself! 

 I hope this helps some of you and next week I hope to be sharing a lot of my products with you and maybe some outfits and makeup looks! God bless and have an amazing day!! :) 

Monday 7 July 2014

Water proof BB CREAM!? :)

Hey everyone, sorry for not having time to write over the past 3 weeks! I know it's crazy, and I miss blogging and youtubeing so much! I have learned so much about water proof makeup, no heat hair, and some other things I can not wait to tell you all about! So today I just wanted to write a bit about water proof makeup, well really just a foundation :) So lets get started!

So yes this stuff is amazing!!! It really works and i got it from the face shop!! :) its a water proof BB cream and i love it! It is really water proof and allows skin to breath. It hasnt brocken me out and looks super natural, no one even guesses i wear makeup :) I 100% recommend it to everyone who needs a water proof product with good coverage but is super light! Btw a little goes a very long way!!! So thats all i have for you all for npw! Have an amazong day!