Friday 26 December 2014

My 2014 Recap :)

     Hello everyone, long time no chat on this blog, although I've been keeping very active on my YouTube channel if you were/are wondering.
     So in todays post I really just wanted to write what 2014 was to me, because to be fair it was a huge year for my life and a lot of changes and things have happened. So lets label 2014 the "change" year. Yes a weird name but it seems to fit. It was my year of good changes though, nothing terrible happened which was a nice change from the past 5 years. I changed a lot about my life, even more so in the latter part of the year.

    But lets start off in January, I started my youtube channel in this month and became a lot more confident in myself. YouTube gave me a creative outlet and also gave me an activity to do when I was bored or just in an art mood. I wrote down important days like when I reached 4,6,12,25 and so on when the amount of my subscribers changed or when things seemed to happen that day, February 26 BeautyBaby44 replied to me and I hit 15 subscribers, needless to say that was a great day!
    As the year went on my life started to change and i started to really unlike my future and where it was going, my last year of high school was great grade wise and my classes and friends were on point but I felt sort of lost with the whole "I'm doing what and going where!" So to ease my mind to the whole thing I went to work at camp, and to be frank I didn't enjoy my summer, but i made it through and wrote a few blog posts which i found super helpful in dealing with my time there. During the summer I found that my "hobby" of beauty wasn't really a hobby anymore and it grew into my true passion. I found that no matter how bad the camp got on certain days my makeup and hair bags seemed to carry a lightness to them and made me change my attitude toward different situations with just a but more eye liner, so adding some tinted lip balm. I did do a no makeup week during the last week of camp and it turned out to be a nice detox and I just focused more on the hair point of myself.

   September came fast and university came faster, my social life boomed and I was super happy with all my friends but in the real world of the classes and the path my life was taking I was sad and unable to think I could be happy....

.....So I left and went to hair school and there I found a joy in what I was doing. I made people feel beautiful. Which is what I'm still doing! and I am beyond happy about it! I've started at a salon too so my whole life is now about making people beautiful.
     November was a huge month for me though!! I met pixiwoo,went to IMATS and all around had a great month with well I guess everything! December was a really great month and CHRISTmas was amazing! 

    So now I feel like my life is going great,and this year was huge for me, I really enjoyed it!  I have a lot of opportunities coming in my life and a lot of different directions I could take at some point and I'm very excited about it! 
So heres to 2015! May the coming year be a great for you all! 
God bless :) 

Sunday 19 October 2014


Hey Everyone! So I hope you all are doing well! Bad news for today though, there will not be a new youtube video due to the fact that I was not home this past weekend and had a lot of work to do, so this blog update will just have to do for today but not worries next week everything will be back to normal! :) 

So today I want to tell you about a few life updates and also share with you all my September/October favourites. 

 To get started, as some of you may know once I was finished camp I started university and yes it was great socially and I made loads of friends, I found myself unhappy in the life path I was taking, even more so after that summer away at camp. So I decided to make a life switch and go into something that would make me very happy, so now I’m going to become a hair stylist. I’ve been at it for about 4 weeks now and not going to lie I love it. It’s a lot more fun and enjoyable and I find the days going fast, and I am learning so much I didn't know before. The textbook has loads in it about makeup so on top of me learning about hair from the school, I also do my own readings on makeup so who knows maybe I’ll get my makeup degree next. 

Now on to my September/October Favourites!!! 

1) ITS FALL!!! Thats a huge favourite with all the colours and smells and HALLOWEEN who doesn’t love it?!!? (plus NO SNOW!!! :D) 

2)MAC Sin! Golly is this a pretty colour! Total love, it’s a dark burgundy that looks amazing against my pale skin and I find it makes my brown hair and eyes POP! 

3)Over the Knee socks! They are a huge thing I have been loving! They are so cute and when it’s not too cold out and adds a little but more cuteness to it. 

4)Cat Hat! Yes I have a hat with some cat ears, its just white and plain but really gives it a cute factor that looks amazing plus it’s super warm! 

5)MAC Sable eye shadow! Okay so how did I live with this before!? It’s now my favourite eye shadow and looks great in the crease, on the lid or even just on it’s own. If you want to get an eve shadow from MAC sable is the one you need!! :) 

So thats all I have for you today, I hope you all have an amazing day and I will see/talk to you next week in my upcoming video :) God bless!!! 

Sunday 24 August 2014

No makeup week Finished!

So the no makeup week was pretty great for my skin, it became better and I found I didn't need as much BB cream when I was putting some one today! It was a great week to wear no makeup at camp too due to all the water sports and intense games!! :) So heres my makeup for today!!

Yay makeup!! I am super happy with it today!! :) 

Talk to you all tomorrow!! :) God bless 

Thursday 21 August 2014


I didn't have very much time off yesterday to post a blog and take a good selfie so I am very sorry for that, but today I have 2 selfies (all from today) and a post for you all! (YAY ME!!) So last night was my night off, so I took it in full and watched GossipGirl with my friend Maddie, while pin curling my hair after taking a very long shower. My pin curls turned out to look like Mr Kate, and I love the style! (I can see why she loves her hair!)
I love Gossip Girl, it makes me feel so happy looking at the amazing fashion,makeup and of course NEW YORK!! It always puts me in a good mood even when i can't do makeup!
    On to that, my no makeup week is going good, camp with no makeup can sometimes be better because I never have to worry about my makeup getting messed up. I don't feel terrible but not as good as I normally do, just in a neutral zone for now. I go home saturday and believe me when I say that Sunday I will (hopefully) have some awesome selfies of my great makeup job ;)

Have a great day everyone! God bless!!

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Day 2: No makeup week

Hey, so no selfie today due to no sleep and also to add to my no makeup, I also have no acne treatment left and I am so sad! So I am hoping my skin wont act up too much but if it does then I have a week before University to get it back on track! So I am super tired and feel a little out of sorts today...  but its nice out today so things will be better! :) (hopefully) Hey maybe tomorrow will even be a good selfie day, you never know!
Anyways God bless!! :)

Monday 18 August 2014

My No Makeup week

So I left my makeup at home this week... when I went home! How dumb was I to do that? Answer is really dumb! So I opted to change this week into a good lesson, like my no heat hair week this will be my no makeup week! So a selfie and update will hopefully be coming everyday-every other day! :D 

Selfie day #1
Day 1: It's good today because my skin is good but it could change, so as of right now I am fine and I got to sleep in till 8:30 this week :) yay!

Sunday 27 July 2014

My July camp Makeup favourites :D

Hey everyone, look 2 in one week thats crazy for me! Well to be honest i just had time to take some photos today and had an urge to write a makeup post! So like I've said a few times, makeup at camp can change a few things and can make it way better for you in the long run. So before I put up my everyday camp makeup selfies (still needing to take a good one) to show you a makeup look I've opted to show you the products, so lets get into it!
Okay so here are my favourites, yes it is a far bit but it changes on a day to day bases so this is just what it is when I want to feel a lot more put together. 
1) MAC eyebrow water proof gel in the darkest colour! It stays up even in the lake and makes everything way better!
2) The balm highlight! OMG this is something I use on my eyes, face and sometimes on my lips and it has made me feel so happy and awesome at camp! 
3) Pink Blush, the one I have is from the faceshop and and is it great! super light and natural 
4) Bronzer, and yes I only have one so the Bourjois one is awesome! It's light and natural looking plus it works really great over the BB cream! 
4) Water proof BB cream and Mascara, now these two things are a life saver and will hold up being thrown in the pond! Which has happened to me, (the MAC eyebrow gel also didn't budge though that experience either) it was scary and I will hopefully never do it again but who knows right? No joke though these products stay put till you take them off at 10pm, so they have about a 16 hour wear! 
5) Lash curler can make a huge difference, it makes you look more awake, (when well you get very little sleep) and if its cold can even wake you up a bit in the morning! 
6) Lastly eye liners, I have a dark brown and a bright rose gold, both water proof and both very pretty and makes your eyes look bigger and more open. 

So thats it for this post, tbh I love blogging so I may need to do it more on my time off. Have an amazing day everyone! God bless :)  

Friday 25 July 2014

Beauty Tips for Camp!

So I'm going to lie and say my self confidence has gone up at camp, when really it went wayyyyy down hill in the first two weeks. I went into a whole thing where I didn't like how I looked or went about myself at camp. The truth is I had to find ways to put myself back into a good place while still being able to focus on God and the kids I am working with on a daily bases. So I played around a lot and found a few things that made a huge difference in the way I carry myself and treat myself at camp.

1) Take care of your skin, yes it can be hard to give your face a good wash, but it can make a huge difference. It can be a 5 minute pampering time while your kids are brushing their teeth, hair or even showering and believe me those 5-7 minutes are HUGE after a whole day of running games, dealing with arguments and well everything else. 

2) Do your hair the way you like it, there are ways to do tons of hair styles without heat. I love my hair curly so I have like 5 no heat hair styles I can do while I'm at camp after swimming or showering, cause lets be real, you do not have time to shower everyday. For straight hair find an awesome serum and it works really great! 

3) Makeup can be good at camp, even more so if everything you have is waterproof and has a huge SPF. It can make you feel more confident and also protect your skin! Certain pieces of makeup can also make such a big difference such as bronzer, highlighter and eyebrows. Filling in my eye brows everyday makes me feel put together, happy and more willing to do things cause y face is framed and my face looks normal. 

4) Lastly take time for you, so things you love! Write, watch YouTube, focus on YOU, on your time off... It seem selfish but its very much needed! Camp drains you so just put some time into yourself! 

 I hope this helps some of you and next week I hope to be sharing a lot of my products with you and maybe some outfits and makeup looks! God bless and have an amazing day!! :) 

Monday 7 July 2014

Water proof BB CREAM!? :)

Hey everyone, sorry for not having time to write over the past 3 weeks! I know it's crazy, and I miss blogging and youtubeing so much! I have learned so much about water proof makeup, no heat hair, and some other things I can not wait to tell you all about! So today I just wanted to write a bit about water proof makeup, well really just a foundation :) So lets get started!

So yes this stuff is amazing!!! It really works and i got it from the face shop!! :) its a water proof BB cream and i love it! It is really water proof and allows skin to breath. It hasnt brocken me out and looks super natural, no one even guesses i wear makeup :) I 100% recommend it to everyone who needs a water proof product with good coverage but is super light! Btw a little goes a very long way!!! So thats all i have for you all for npw! Have an amazong day! 

Wednesday 18 June 2014

My favourite Acne treatment that really works!!!

So hello there everyone! *does wave* (I miss making intros to youtube videos can you tell?)
Today I decided that I need to talk about the perfect acne product for me! This spot treatment really works and my acne, which almost never goes away, has almost completely gone away. I am beyond happy with this product and it's fully worth the $17.50CAN! So the product is....
Yep it's the Origins super spot remover, and it does not disappoint and lives up to the name! This product only has one down side, it drys out the acne spots, so wearing any matt foundation of powder doesn't look too great over it (although I never tried putting cream on after using this). That down side doesn't bug me though as I don't like wearing makeup over my acne because it can sometimes make it worse, I rather treat it then cover it. Let the skin breath. 

So that's it for this post, hope you enjoyed reading it! I'll have another one up tomorrow or Friday about the makeup I am bringing to camp and why I'm choosing those products! Have an amazing night, God bless! 

Sunday 15 June 2014

UPDATE: life, school, camp and more!

Hey everyone, long time and no talk on this blog, super sorry for that! So today I wanted to write a little blog explaining what will be happening over the next 4 months of my life! So this is an exciting time, as I finish high school, leave for camp and go to University. Needles to say I've been very busy. This blog will be in sections, ranging from Youtube-camp, so lets get started. 

THIS BLOG: i will be doing as many post during the summer as possible, which may range from 1-3 blogs a week depending on how much time I have to write. I will not be bringing my laptop, just my Ipod, so will be writing from the app, which could take less or more time. 

YOUTUBE: I have taken down my videos till mid September, due to the fact that at camp I wont be able to check/manage my comments and inbox very well while I am there. I will also not be posting till about that time because I don't know when I would have time to film and upload. With saying that, I also do not know if I will have time at University (hopefully I do). I will try to make everything work out so I can though. 

SCHOOLING/CAMP: I finish high school, which I am super excited about and cannot wait to get out of there. It was a well stupid four years, but I learned a lot and was blessed to have been at a school with amazing teachers.... I randomly got given the chance to have a camp job and  be a cabin leader so jumped at the chance. I wanted to go because it's a Christian camp and I love seeing kids grow in the love of Jesus. So my summer will be spent serving God and teaching... Then once the summer is over I will be heading off to University and will be taking a major History and a minor in Children's ministry. So I will hopefully become a teacher and/or Pastor. 


Monday 14 April 2014

Aeropostale Haul- Bethany Mota!!! :)

Hey everyone so I went to see the Bethany Mota collection at Aeropostale yesterday and well its amazing! I got jeans from her winter line, shorts and a shirt from her spring and now from her summer i got the Romper (which I am pretty much in love with) and a high neck shirt. Then from the normal line I got some basics, two black shirts,a black pair of shorts and a black skirt... Umm yeah a lot of black. Needless to say, I did not own a lot of black till that moment. So lets get right into this haul shall we?

So I got a free Bethany Mota bag which I will be bringing to University with me for either a laundry bag or for a weekend bag when I go home. 

Here are the three things from the Bethany Line, I am in love with the romper, I think it is 100% amazing and you will be seeing it in a few OOTDs coming very soon, and the shirt well its super cute on, with a black skirt or just jeans, it goes with everything. (It also has an open back) 
Romper is black with different tones of pink and red flowers. 
shirt is black and knitted with an open back. 
As for the basics from the normal Aeropostale line I got two of this black ballet shirts that are very flattering on and are well fitted. 
A normal black skirt that is a staple in every girls closet as it can be worn in many different ways just like an LBD. 
Plain black high wasted shorts, if you watched my YouTube channel then you know that I wear my high wasted Bethany Mota shorts well all the time! So I opted to grab a different pair in black from the normal line so I could change up the looks I do 

So I hope you all enjoyed this Post and I'll have another one up very soon and a new video in a few days! God bless! :) 

Sunday 13 April 2014

Shoppers Spend your points day Haul :)

Hello everyone, so this past Saturday (yesterday) was spend your points day at shoppers drug mart. My mom and I love shoppers, and spend our points on this day as it happens 2-3 times a year. We do it around this week, and Christmas time and get a good amount of product. This time we opted to spend it on high end products rather then drug store products and are very happy with this choice. We got 60$ worth of points and we also got an extra 10$ to spend as a bonus so (70$ as a whole), so my mom got a new foundation and primer and I got a bronzer. We were very happy with our choices and I decided to do this small post on it for all of you! :)

So all the three products were from Bourjois. 
My mom got the Healthy Serum foundation and Happy Light primer to give her skin a treat and so far she really loves it. Keeps her looking dewy and healthy all day. ( I'll do an update post about it in a couple of weeks) 

I got the Bronzer in the lightest shade, I really enjoy it so far. I got it because of Tanya Burr raving about it and thought I would give it a good. Even with my skin tone being super pale (MUFE 110 Pale) I find it a nice pick me up for my skin. It is not an off colour on my skin and is very easily blended out, so if you have a very light-medium skin tone I would recommend this for you. :) 

I hope you all enjoyed this quick little post, have an amazing day! God Bless :) 

Thursday 3 April 2014

How to Rework Your Shorts + Video! :)

       Hey everyone! So today I put out a video that showed three different looks on how to change your outfit just from what you wear under your shorts. This idea is inexpensive and really cute, plus the options for it are endless and you can do it on any budget.

        All you need are some PJ bottoms that are thin/light and that will fit under your shorts done up. I think this works best with high wasted shorts with PJ shorts that aren't high wasted.  You can make them into a fashion forward outfit and sleep in them! Double Win!!! :)

     So the three pairs I chose are all from the Material Girl line, they were all on sale for 12$ at The Bay and are super comfy and fit great under the high wasted shorts.

       So each pair has lace going along the bottom which I find to be the nicest look.
If you pair the shorts with tights that match or go along with it, it also adds a super fun and cute look.

     Here are just some added photos of the shorts and the tights I paired them with.
Here's a link to the video where you can see them under the shorts and with the tights I paired with them :)

    So I hope you guys enjoyed this post and the video that goes along with it :) Have an amazing day. God Bless :)

Saturday 22 March 2014

Tights, tights and well more tights!!! :)

So today I put up my tight collection video ( < link here) and had a request to also do a blog post to go along with it showing some in depth photos of the details on some of the tights and also a bit of a review.
So for the review part, my favourite place to buy tights of Forever 21,they are trendy, fun, cute and a bonus they are cheap and last a very long time! For plan black or brown tights I like winners, because they have a lot of brands and you get get super warm tights. I also like GAP for tights because you can get really great sheer tights there for those cooler days!

These are my colourful tights and I love them! I have two burgundy ones, a pink pair, and then a brown pair with some awesome detail's along with two plan purples ones. (one is sheer the other is a really think material)

Here is a look at the pink pair, they are so cute on and add an amazing girly touch.
Here is the details of the brown tights, it add an amazing touch in fall or a jean skirt and crop top!! :)

Darker tights, is what I wear most often because the black and greys goes better with the shoes I own,  I love the bow ones (3ed pair) and the striped (2ed pair) for added touches to any winter outfit. Or when I'm bored and want a more daring look.

Bow tights win for beauty, and they look so amazing on! They add an amazingly girly touch and make any plain outfit into something great!

Well hello there striped tights, I am not one to wear stripes to be honest, but these are my exception as they look great with so many shoes and adds a bit more class to an outfit.

These though are my most warn tights!! I love the look I have a pair of shoes that pretty much go perfectly with them! So they are pretty much warn on a weekly bases.

I hope you like my video and this post! Please leave any request for future videos of blog post you might want to see in the comments here or on any of my videos! Have an amazing day! God bless :)

Friday 21 March 2014

Little Spring Haul! :)

Hey everyone! So today I have a little spring haul for you all. These are a few things I needed and wanted to try out so here we go...
So here are the products I got 

First I got some false lashes to wear in my videos and when I want to be a bit more dressed up, theses are the Ardell 110

Next I have A Rimmel Quad in "Burgundy Palace" Which are beautiful colours, and a tutorial will be coming in April. 

Next I got some Aveeno body cream so I wouldn't get dried out, and avoid getting Eczema this year. 
Shampoo and Conditioner that smells like coconut sugar cookies!!!!!! 
Last but no least Disney's FROZEN!!!! I love this movie, not as much as Disney's Brave but this is a close third, as Lilo and Stitch and Finding Nemo Will always be tied for first! 

I hope you enjoyed this hall, now I have to go get ready for a Frozen Spa girls night with a few friends! Have an amazing day, God bless :) 

Wednesday 19 March 2014

How to keep up a bib dress :)

Hey everyone! So today I put up a video, where I put earrings along the back to keep up the bib part of the dress! So I decided rather then putting the photos of the back in the video I decided to put it in a blog. So here we go...
So I decided to go with some cheap earrings from Forever 21, I wanted to tie in the Bow earrings, and some spring colours with the mint, rose gold that comes off a bit copper and gold. To do this, try and get something else to put them in while you stand to they can be sitting well on your back.

Back on the dress may poke your back but if you just sit up straighter it wont poke you!

And here is a close up of the three colours and the bows! This holds up the dress and looks amazingly cute! :)

Here's a link to the video and thank you so much for reading and hope you have an amazing day and a great rest of the week! :)

God Bless :)

Thursday 13 March 2014

My Spring Must Haves!! :)

Hello everyone, so today I have my spring must have or "essentials" if you would like to call it. So let's get started!!! :)

So I have makeup and accessories, I didn't want to put in clothes as they will all be shown in OOTD's at

First fun wedge shoes that match your style! These are from Forever21 and they look like they could be from the 1920's-1940's. So they work great with my style and I love them! They are still at Forever 21 if you would like to go try a pair for yourself.

Flower Headbands!!! You need these, they make every outfit so springy and so much more fun! They can go with anything YOU want then too. I like wearing them in a sock bun or  when I do my hair very curly, with lace tops or white tops. (Forever 21)

Girly Books!!! If you just want to sit outside, or sit inside while being in the sun a girly light read is perfect. Beneath the Glitter and Where Beauty lies are great reads for that. They are done by fellow Youtuber Elle and Blair, and they are so cute.
(Any book store)

Then Floral Neckless. You can not go wrong with them! They are just like the headbands but less of a statement. You will never regret invested 10-15$$ on these and you will wear them all spring and summer.
(Forever 21)

Now onto makeup!!
Starting with these I have a lose eye shadow in "Nude Beach" By bear minerals. I love this for inner part of you eye and any highlight needs as it will add the perfect glow you your face!

(Sorry it would not rotate)
Two Colours from the Naked Basics from Urban decay are perfect for a light eye and paried with nude beach it's amazing, so W.O.S and Naked 2 are must haves.

Lip Products!!! Anything bright or colourful I love. Now I'm not too into light colours for lips, I like to make my lips to stand out and brighten up my super pale face with these bright but darker colours!!
-Bobbie Brown

Added on to lips we have glosses this is MAC star Quality which is a super awesome colour and very on trend, it's easy to apply and goes on with amazing shine!

Revlon "Pink Pop" Is a great colour and is also super pretty and easy for spring!

Lastly We have MAC well dressed blush and naked lunch,  who have been on this blog a number of times but weather you wear this light or full on it adds an amazing look to your face and makes you look so alive and pretty, Naked lunch is a super pretty all over lid into crease shade that you can just add liner to and a bright lip and BANG! amazing makeup done!!

So I hope you all enjoyed this blog post and Check out my youtube channel for videos! :) Have an amazing day
God bless :)