Wednesday 18 June 2014

My favourite Acne treatment that really works!!!

So hello there everyone! *does wave* (I miss making intros to youtube videos can you tell?)
Today I decided that I need to talk about the perfect acne product for me! This spot treatment really works and my acne, which almost never goes away, has almost completely gone away. I am beyond happy with this product and it's fully worth the $17.50CAN! So the product is....
Yep it's the Origins super spot remover, and it does not disappoint and lives up to the name! This product only has one down side, it drys out the acne spots, so wearing any matt foundation of powder doesn't look too great over it (although I never tried putting cream on after using this). That down side doesn't bug me though as I don't like wearing makeup over my acne because it can sometimes make it worse, I rather treat it then cover it. Let the skin breath. 

So that's it for this post, hope you enjoyed reading it! I'll have another one up tomorrow or Friday about the makeup I am bringing to camp and why I'm choosing those products! Have an amazing night, God bless! 

Sunday 15 June 2014

UPDATE: life, school, camp and more!

Hey everyone, long time and no talk on this blog, super sorry for that! So today I wanted to write a little blog explaining what will be happening over the next 4 months of my life! So this is an exciting time, as I finish high school, leave for camp and go to University. Needles to say I've been very busy. This blog will be in sections, ranging from Youtube-camp, so lets get started. 

THIS BLOG: i will be doing as many post during the summer as possible, which may range from 1-3 blogs a week depending on how much time I have to write. I will not be bringing my laptop, just my Ipod, so will be writing from the app, which could take less or more time. 

YOUTUBE: I have taken down my videos till mid September, due to the fact that at camp I wont be able to check/manage my comments and inbox very well while I am there. I will also not be posting till about that time because I don't know when I would have time to film and upload. With saying that, I also do not know if I will have time at University (hopefully I do). I will try to make everything work out so I can though. 

SCHOOLING/CAMP: I finish high school, which I am super excited about and cannot wait to get out of there. It was a well stupid four years, but I learned a lot and was blessed to have been at a school with amazing teachers.... I randomly got given the chance to have a camp job and  be a cabin leader so jumped at the chance. I wanted to go because it's a Christian camp and I love seeing kids grow in the love of Jesus. So my summer will be spent serving God and teaching... Then once the summer is over I will be heading off to University and will be taking a major History and a minor in Children's ministry. So I will hopefully become a teacher and/or Pastor.